Five questions before treatment
Doctors are experts in medicine. And you, dear patient, are the expert for your own health!
The best doctor-patient relationship is based on partnership. Therefore, always approach a medical consultation about your health prepared and make sure you have answered the following five questions.
"5 Fragen an Ihre Ärztin oder Ihren Arzt" (DE) "5 Fragen an Ihre Ärztin oder Ihren Arzt" (DE) [1.72 MB]
"5 preguntas que debe hacer a su médico o médica" (ESP) "5 preguntas que debe hacer a su médico o médica" (ESP) [718.13 KB]
"5 Perguntas a colocar à sua médica ou ao seu médico" (POR) "5 Perguntas a colocar à sua médica ou ao seu médico" (POR) [713.00 KB]